Mount Rainier: Virtual Backgrounds Pack 01

Download some awesome Mt Rainier photos from local photographers to use in your video calls!

Take that video call from Mount Rainier!

Hey everyone!

Since the whole world seems to be living that video conferencing life these days, I though it would be rad to team up with some local photographers so y’all can show off Mount Rainier as a virtual background in those calls with your boss, grandparents, and/or family.

is the mountain out? in Zoom?

Big shout out to the following photographers for sharing their images for everyone to use. Please go follow them on social media, check their websites, and buy prints from them if they are offering!

Feel free to download the below images and set them as your virtual background! (Here’s the directions for Teams and Zoom)

You can download a zip file of all the images by clicking the below link. (The file size total is 11MB so ye be warned if you have slow interwebs)

Or save individual photos below by right clicking (or long pressing on mobile) and selecting the save image option. You can also click or tap on each image to view it bigily in your browser.

It would be awesome to see who is using them – tag @mtrainierwatch on social media if you use one or all of them!

Should we release more virtual background packs like this in the future?

3 thoughts on “Mount Rainier: Virtual Backgrounds Pack 01

  1. This is wonderful!!! Thank you so much for doing this. I don’t live in the NW any longer, but certainly miss the mountain! And now I can see it every time I have a meeting – which is all the time. I wfh regularly and will be using these photos in my Zoom calls!

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