Rainier Watch Gear Heat Wave Tips

WHOA, how about that heat wave we are getting in the PNW?

It’s hot. Really hot. Luckily, as I write this, our high temps for the foreseeable future is only around 90 degrees. Which sounds hot, unless you remember yesterday when it was around 105!

Like pretty much everyone else in the Seattle area, I don’t have central air conditioning and my poor little portable AC unit has been working real hard the last few days. It got above 85 inside my house!

So to cool off, yesterday on the RW TikTok I recorded some quick tips on how to stay cool with your Rainier Watch Gear!

Check it out:


##RainierWatchGear Heat Wave Pro Tips! 💥 Here's out to stay cool with our Adventure Gaiter and Burroughs hat! Stay safe and cool ##pnw. ##seattle ##fyp

♬ original sound – Rainier Watch

Featured gear from the video:

(limited supplies remaining!)

Stay cool out there!


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